Defining a Menu
You must define a menu before you can add items to it.
- Login to the WordPress Dashboard.
- From the ‘Appearance’ menu on the left-hand side of the Dashboard, select the ‘Menus’ option to bring up the Menu Editor.
- Select Create a new menu at the top of the page
- Enter a name for your new menu in the Menu Name box
- Click the Create Menu button.
Your new custom menu has now been defined.
Adding Items to a Menu
You can add different link types into your menu, these are split between panes left of the menu you’re currently editing.
- Locate the pane entitled Pages.
- Within this pane, select the View All link to bring up a list of all the currently published Pages on your site.
- Select the Pages that you want to add by clicking the checkbox next to each Page’s title.
- Click the Add to Menu button located at the bottom of this pane to add your selection(s) to the menu that you created in the previous step.
- Click the Save Menu button once you’ve added all the menu items you want.
Your custom menu has now been saved.
Note The Screen Options allow you to choose which items you can use to add to a menu. Certain items, like Tags are hidden by default.
Deleting a Menu Item
- Locate the menu item that you want to remove in the menu editor window
- Click on the arrow icon in the top right-hand corner of the menu item/box to expand it.
- Click on the Remove link. The menu item/box will be immediately removed.
- Click the Save Menu button to save your changes.
Customising Menu Items
- Navigation LabelĀ
- This field specifies the title of the item on your custom menu. This is what your visitors will see when they visit your site/blog.
- OriginalĀ
- A link to the original source of the menu item (e.g. a link to view the post or page).